The Third Summit of the Diaspora
Panel: "Innovation and Excellence"
Agenda of the Third Summit of the Diaspora
Agenda and discussion topics of the "Innovation and Excellence" panel
The involvement of the Diaspora through brain circulation and brain gain in the country's development is among the priority measures outlined in the S3 EDP report. The Head of the National Team of S3, Linda Pustina, moderated the panel "Innovation and Excellence" organized by Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku as part of the Third Summit of the Diaspora, where excellent professionals from various fields, from science to art, were invited. An inspiring panel between excellence and innovation, which showed that Albanian language and culture unite all Albanians wherever they live.
The National Team of S3 is working to prepare the action plan of the S3 Strategy, where special attention will be given to measures for attracting and increasing Diaspora engagement for innovative and sustainable development of Albania.
Here, you will find the link to the Deputy Prime Minister's post about this event: link
You can watch the full video of the panel by clicking this link.