The drafting of the S3 is finalized
As part of an extensive and inclusive one-year process to prepare the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3), involving over 1,600 stakeholders from the quadruple helix (central and local government, businesses, academia, and civil society), a new approach was adopted, focusing on engaging all stakeholders from the outset of the strategy’s drafting. This process enabled the collection of highly valuable suggestions and proposals regarding the priority sectors, vision, and content of the strategy, including measures and activities in the action plan.

What is the Smart Specialization Strategy?
The Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) was conceived within the framework of the reformed European Commission Cohesion Policy concerning the development aspects of regions in EU member states. S3 is a place-based approach characterized by the identification of strategic priority areas with a high competitive advantage for a region or a country, where interventions from central and local government are needed.
The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP)
The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) is related to identifying priority areas for investments within the smart specialization strategy, relying on an inclusive process involving entrepreneurial representatives and stakeholders based on market dynamics.

The process of formulating the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3)
The progress of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) formulation process is part of the periodic reporting to the European Commission as part of Chapter 20 "Enterprises and Industrial Policies" and Chapter 25 "Science and Research."
Durana Tech Park
In a significant move to boost the innovation landscape in Albania, the Albanian Investment Corporation, authorized by the government of Albania as the developer, has officially announced the opening of Durana Tech Park, the country’s first technology park