The Manufacturing Industry has been identified as one of the priority sectors with innovative potential during the mapping phase conducted within the framework of the Strategy for Smart Specialization (S3). In this context, on May 10, 2023, a roundtable with the theme "Automotive Industry" was organized to further assess the full potential of this sector in discussions with actors from the Quadruple Helix. This activity was carried out under the special care of Deputy Prime Minister Mrs. Belinda Balluku and with the support of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, as well as the Union of Albanian Producers, following the methodology of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC).
The Strategy for Smart Specialization is part of Albania's commitments within the framework of the EU accession negotiation process, specifically in Chapter 20 "Enterprises and Industrial Policies" and Chapter 25 "Science and Research." It is also part of the EU agenda for the Western Balkans for Research, Innovation, Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports 2021-27 and the Western Balkans 2021-24 Action Plan within the Berlin Process. This is a unique strategy that involves a different methodological approach from other strategies, including the involvement of actors from the Quadruple Helix in the pre-drafting phases.
This event took place at the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, with around 20 participants from the Quadruple Helix (government, academia, business, civil society). The purpose of the meeting was to have a roundtable discussion among participants, representing the business sector, civil society, academia, as well as central and local government, to express their views on the progress and potential of this priority sector.
The meeting began with welcoming remarks from Mrs. Linda Pustina, Chair of the National S3 Team, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, and continued with the presentation of the project framework by Mr. Arben Shkodra, General Secretary of the Union of Albanian Producers, an expert in the National S3 Team. Panelists and session facilitators included Mrs. Elira Demiraj, Director of the General Directorate of Economic Development and Employment Policies at the Ministry of Finance and Economy, and Mr. Sokol Cupi, Entrepreneur, Everest Company.
The discussions covered various aspects of the sector, including:
The invited participants provided valuable contributions, highlighting opportunities, needs, and possible solutions for intelligent development. The insights expressed by the four helixes will help create a clear and sustainable vision for the future of this sector in Albania.
The discussions held during this roundtable, as well as other roundtables on the Manufacturing Industry, will serve as a basis for the national workshop on the Manufacturing Industry to be held on May 29, 2023.